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C l a u d i a F u r l o w, P a i n t e r
Spitzer Art Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia, issued their third annual challenge in 2017--to produce one painting per day for a month in 6x6" format, any medium, any subject.
Park Gables Gallery
Harrisonburg, Virginia
March 1-29, 2017
First Breakfast
Oil on canvas, 6x6"
Gooseneck Loosestrife
Oil on canvas, 6x6"--I love the name of this flower. "Gooseneck Loosestrife, gooseneck loosestrife, gOoSeNeCk LoOsTrIfE."
Lemon Tart
Oil on canvas, 6x6"
Cabbage Frills
Oil on canvas, 6x6"
Savannah Gerberas
Oil on canvas, 6x6"
Peony Ladybug
Oil on canvas, 6x6"
Bellingham Bleeding Hearts
Oil on canvas, 6x6"
Gift Green Peppers
Oil on canvas, 6x6"
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